SWEETHEART SWEETHEART 11 € Limone, Zucchero Liquido, Albume, Orange Bitter, Amaretto Di Saronno, Whiskey Jim Beam Bourbon, Bitter Campari. Lemon, Simple Syrup, Egg white, Orange Bitter, Amaretto Di Saronno, Jim Beam BourbonWhiskey, Campari Bitter.
FASHIONISTA FASHIONISTA 12 € Zolletta di Zucchero, Bitter Aromatic, Succo di Mela Limpido, Whiskey Puni Gold, Calvados Druin, Soda. Sugar Cube, Aromatic Bitter, Apple Juice, Puni Gold Whiskey, Druin Calvados, Soda.
THE PUNISHER THE PUNISHER 12 € Limone, Zucchero Liquido, Albume, Whisky Puni Gold, Vino Lagrein Elena Walch. Lemon, Simple Syrup, Eggwhite, Puni Gold Whisky, Elena Walch Lagrein Wine.
THYME IMPALA THYME IMPALA 11 € Timo, Bitter Angostura, Whiskey Old Overholt Rye, Mirto Rosso, Ginger Beer Fever Tree. Thyme, Angostura Bitter, Old Overholt Rye Whiskey, Red Myrtle Liquor, Fever Tree Ginger Beer.
RUBIO JAPONÉS RUBIO JAPONÉS 11 € Miele, Tè Matcha, Sake allo Yuzu, Whisky Nikka Days, Soda. Honey, Matcha Tea, Yuzu Sake, Nikka Days Whisky, Soda.
PINK RYE PINK RYE 11 € Pompelmo Rosa, Miele infuso al Rosmarino, Bitter Angostura, Whiskey Rye Bulleit, Soda. Ruby Grapefruit, Rosemary infused Honey, Bitter Angostura Bitter, Bulleit Rye Whiskey, Soda.
JAGGER JAGGER 11 € Lime, Miele, Whisky Nikka Days, Ancho Reyes, Essenza al Legno di Cedro. Lime, Honey, Nikka Days Whisky, Ancho Reyes, Cedar Wood Essence.
GOITO BOULEVARD GOITO BOULEVARD 11 € Lime, Whiskey Rye Old Overholt, Vermouth Carpano Antica Formula, Bitter Campari, Soluzione Salina, Soda. Lime, Old Overholt Rye Whiskey, Carpano Antica Formula Vermouth, Campari Bitter, Saline Solution, Soda.
GINGER HIT GINGER HIT 11 € Lime, Sciroppo d’Acero, Whisky Scotch Monkey Shoulder, Ginger Ale Fever Tree. Lime, Maple Syrup, Monkey Shoulder Scotch Whisky, Fever Tree Ginger Ale.
CHERRY ON TOP CHERRY ON TOP 11 € Limone, Zucchero di Canna, Albume, Bitter Angostura, Bitter Peychaud's, Amaro Cappelletti Sfumato Rabarbaro, Vino di Visciole San Venanzo, Whiskey Rye Jim Beam. Lemon, Cane Sugar Syrup, Eggwhite, Angostura Bitter, Peychaud’s Bitter, Cappelletti Amaro Sfumato Rabarbaro, San Venanzo Cherry Wine, Jim Beam Rye Whiskey.